SustainabilityMaking the Sustainability Commitment

As a strategy, sustainability requires leadership and top-level commitment, strong values and ethics deeply embedded in the corporate culture, and incorporation throughout all business activities.

A commitment to sustainability will require that the company engage its suppliers and clients in the move toward more sustainable business practices and production. This will require a critical analysis of suppliers’ and client’s current social, environmental, and economic impacts.

SustainabilityWe are committed to:

  • process by-products and wastewater to fertilizer and other end-products and eliminate as much as possible pollution
  • make our products more sustainable
  • be energy efficient
  • use clean energy sources
  • recycle everywhere possible
  • treat our employees fairly
  • be diverse and inclusive
  • partner with sustainable companies

As fermentation technology is our core competence, it lies in the nature of our business to be sustainable in the way we are designing factories to minimize carbon footprint or even to produce carbon neutral.

In distribution section of our company we are supporting from technical point of view our suppliers of chemicals to reduce carbon footprint.

Our supply chains will comply with the recognized international social and environmental standards (according to the United Nations Global Compact) and our suppliers will be aware of and support our sustainability objectives.
