Terms of Use

Capacity of Online Offerings

The author shall not be held responsible whatsoever regarding the recentness, correctness, completeness, or quality of the provided information.
Liability claims against the author for any kind of damage, of both material or intangible nature, which result from the use or disuse of this website or the information presented therein, resp. through the use of faulty or incomplete data, are strictly prohibited, unless the author can be blamed for deliberate and negligent fault.
All offers are subject to change and are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, amend, or cancel sections of pages or of the entire offer without separate announcement, or to temporarily or permanently terminate the publication.

References and Links

By direct or indirect references to external websites (“Hyperlinks”), which lie outside the author’s sphere of accountability, a commitment of liability will only become effective if it can be proved that the author had prior knowledge of the contents and that it was technically and reasonably possible for him to prevent their utilization should they contain illegal contents.
The author hereby explicitly declares that at the time when the links were set, no illegal content was apparent at the sites to be linked. On the current and future design, on the content and the authorship of the linked/associated pages, the author has no influence whatsoever. Therefore, the author hereby expressly distances himself from all content of all linked/associated pages which were altered after the existing links had been established. This declaration is also applicable for all content within the context of the author’s own internet offers, which may contain links and references, as well as for external entries in which the author utilizes guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists. For illegal, erroneous, or incomplete content and, in particular, for damages that arise from the use or non-use of any information of such nature that may be presented, the provider of the site, on which such reference is made, shall be solely responsible, and not such party that merely referenced links to the publication in question.

Trademark and Copyright Regulations

In all publications, the author desires to respect the copyright of any graphics, audio files, video sequences, or texts, which may be used, to utilize his own graphics, audio files, video sequences, or texts, or to reutilize license-free graphics, audio files, video sequences, or texts. Everything contained within the internet offerings that is not owned by the author is attributed, if necessary through third-party protective marks and trademarks, and conforms fully with the provisions of the respective current trademarks and property rights of the current registered owner. The sole basis for the statement of this position is to prevent the formation of any conclusion to the effect that trademarks should not be protected through third-party rights! The copyright of self-rendered objects remains exclusively with the author of the pages. Any duplication or utilization of such graphics, audio files, video sequences, or texts in other electronic or printed publications is strictly prohibited without the explicit consent of the author.

Privacy Policy

Should the internet offering include the option to enter personal or business data (e-mail accounts, names, addresses), then such data shall be disclosed by the user on an expressly voluntary basis. The utilization and payment of all offered services shall be permitted – if technically possible and reasonable – even without providing such data, resp. by using anonymized data or pseudonyms. Utilization of data published within the scope of the masthead or promulgation of comparable details, including contact information such as postal address, telephone, and/or fax number, as well as email addresses to third parties for the transmission of such information not explicitly solicited, is hereby prohibited. Legal measures are expressly reserved to be taken against the senders of so-called spam-mails by infringement upon this.
Personal data that has been provided to the author/holder of this website are exclusively used in order to process invitations to tender, to execute existing contracts or to perform technical administration jobs. Personal data are only transmitted to third parties for the purpose of executing existing contracts – especially to order components with sub-suppliers – for the purpose of invoicing or with previous consent. The recorded personal data are deleted if the consent is cancelled, the purpose of recording is no longer valid or if the recording of data is illegal. The author / holder of this website tries to process personal data by technical and organizational means that prevent access by third parties. Since communication via email is not regarded as completely secure we recommend to transmit confidential information by conventional postal services.
By sending contact data in the register „contact“ the sender expressly gives his consent that the transmitted data can be used for marketing purposes by mail, email or SMS or market research until cancellation of consent.

Legal effect of this warranty disclaimer

This warranty disclaimer is to be regarded as an integral constituent of all internet offerings, and all references shall be made solely to this document. This shall remain the case unless sections or individual formulations of this text should no longer correspond or no longer be in complete accordance with the effective legal position, in which case the remaining sections of this document, in both substance and validity shall remain unaffected.
Trademark Policy
All company trade names, brand names, and trademarks which are mentioned and presented in these pages, are registered trademarks of the respective companies, and they are mentioned solely for reasons of identification. The owner of these pages expressly declares that he is no authorized distributor of these trademarks. All rights shall remain with their legal owners! We do not intend to publish material within these pages which is protected by copyright. Should by mistake your protected material be presented herein, please let us know and we will remove the relevant content with immediate effect.

No Warranty

All our website information has been created with high diligence. However, KASEL disclaims any warranty for its completeness or fitness for a particular purpose. The user shall be solely responsible for the results he may obtain from using the content of the provided internet pages.